


Sell Your General Merchandise items priced $300 or less.

Minimum item price cannot be less than $10.

Will appear in The Almanac for 2 weeks.

3 line maximum (4 words per line)

One item per ad and total price of item must appear in ad.

5 ads maximum per household.

It*s easy to place your ad.

Email: orclass@observer-reporter.com

(Please specify you would like it to be published in The Almanac)

Fax: 724-222-3982

Mail or drop off to:

Observer Reporter

122 South Main St., Washington, PA 15301

Attn: Classified Deptartment

Free ads can be accepted by telephone at a $5 charge

per ad. Non-commercial customers only. No pet ads. Other exclusions may apply. Please provide name, address and telephone number when submitting your ad. Please specify you would like it to be published in The Almanac.

Ads may take 1-2 weeks to be scheduled.

Ads will not be renewed until last run is expired.